Thursday, October 14, 2010

Termite Reflection 10/14/10

1.Description of the initial jar set up.
When the class set up the jar we had  one lab jar, 120 termites, one pecice of douglas fir, 19ml of water and 120 grams of sand.

2.Descriptions of changes in the substrate (sand), the wood piece, the moisture content, and the activity level of the termites.

The pecie of wood that was in the jar has holes. In the begining of the lab we had a lot of activity level from the termites and then when we got to the end of the lab we had to activity. The moisture content seamed that it was super wet. There was still the same amount of sand.

3.What did the termites do to everything in the jar?

The termites ate most of the wood that was in the jar. They also made tunnles in the sand.

4.How did human interaction impact the jar? How did the termites react to this impact?

It runied the tunnles got all caved in and runied. The pecie of wood got moved to the bottom of the jar.
5.What did you think of the termite unit? Did you enjoy it? Was it interesting to you? What was your favorite part? What was your least favorite part?

I liked how I learned a lot of new information about termites.  Yes I did injoy the unit. When we got to see the termites gut and when we did the flow the leader lab. When we did the websites of the termites.

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